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PETA and SeaWorld of Hurt


PETA, more formally known as People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals, is one of the largest animal rights activist groups in the world, and with over three million international members as of 2015, it is also one of the most successful.


Established 1980, PETA's goal has been to fight for the belief that “animals are not on earth for humans to eat, wear, abuse, or use for entertainment or experimentation.”  PETA has shown many examples of advocacy for animals. Notably, the organization’s most famous case would be the exposure of animal abuse toward research monkeys in a lab in Silver Spring, Maryland. 


PETA has put a spotlight on SeaWorld with a program called “SeaWorld of Hurt” campaign. This campaign uses protest, espionage, and law suites to force SeaWorld to release their orcas and other aquatic animals from their parks.  PETA believes that SeaWorld not only doesn’t have the right to house aquatic animals such as orcas and other whales in its parks, but it doesn’t provide the proper conditions to care for them, either. 


PETA’s pushes SeaWorld to relocate all of its whales to seaside sanctuaries, where they can live out the rest of their lives more naturally and with human care when needed.


Check out their Website for more information on their cause.



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