Zoo themed parks like SeaWorld are one of the last connections humans have with the animal world.
As the human world continues to advance technologically, humans continue to lose appreciation for the natural world. We fill our lives to the brim with matters that only have to do with human activities. Some people have never left a city before and experienced nature; only knowing of it from textbooks and the media.
SeaWorld is one of the last ways people can see animals that cannot usually be seen by stepping into your backyard. SeaWorld provides a platform to educate the masses on the importance of animals, by showing them that they are real and a part of our world; and not just some creature far from human life.
Also, Sea World conservation programs combat much of the damage humans have made through exploitation of Earth's resources.
Without PETA Inspired: Seaside Sanctuaries, we might find ourselves in a future where orcas, and other animals like them, will not exist for our children to see.
An interview with Jane Goodall can help instill the importance zoos play in animal conservation.